IV Therapy Academy Policy & Procedure Manual 
Get Over 180 Policy & Procedures You Need To Run An Effective, Efficient, and Compliant Practice Plus Important Additional Forms And Checklists
Note: This Manual is extremely comprehensive and due to its size (over 550 pages!) and to allow you the ability to customize to best meet your needs, it will be delivered in electronic format only.
Why You Need A Policy & Procedure Manual
Two words: Gross Negligence

As a medical professional reading those two words together probably caused a bit of uneasiness or possible outright fear. That’s good.

We all know this is something we never want to hear in our time practicing medicine, whether you're a nurse or a physician, because it means a willful disregard to a person’s safety and it can have huge consequences.

Everything from an exponentially higher fines to losing your license and in the worst cases criminal accusations.

When you're a medical professional directly overseeing the care of a patient it could be giving a person a medication their chart says they’re allergic to or leaving a medical instrument inside a body cavity.

When talking about practicing medicine from a business level things are a little different and the focus needs to shift more towards what the clinic has in place to protect itself.

For example, the likelihood of someone coding out during an infusion is very small and hopefully an incident you never have to deal with. No matter how small the possibility though, you still have to know what to do and be prepared for it to happen.

Let’s say the worst happens and someone does code during an infusion and one of your employees was working that day instead of you. Now let’s say your employee doesn’t know where to find the crash cart?

Who’s fault is that?

Of course we want to say it’s their fault and while that may be true that doesn’t always matter.

What if during an investigation the employee says they were never told where the crash cart was.

If you have a policy and procedure manual that clearly defines what to do in the event of a code and says exactly where to find everything needed then you’re covered.

However, if you don’t that could fall to you and could be considered gross negligence on your part as the owner.

In 2018 there was $28 million in fines issued for HIPAA compliance alone. One of the best ways to protect your business from fines, or worse, is to have a strong Policy & Procedure Manual in place.
You asked for it and here it is! 
Introducing our very own IV Therapy Academy Policy & Procedures manual.

Over the last few months I’ve had hundreds of requests from students and clinic owners about creating a Policy & Procedure Manual. This is a really good thing, every clinic absolutely needs one of these.

An effective P&P manual lays out exactly how things should be done at your clinic. It gives employees a resource to look back at so they know what’s expected of them and how to conduct business.  

Essentially, it lays out how your business runs day to day.  They're important to reduce liability of your clinic and reflect highly upon your own professionalism in running your business.  State and Federal agencies have also been known to ask for these from time to time and not having one can put your business at serious risk.

The problem is creating a comprehensive P&P manual is a huge undertaking. It’s tedious and boring unless you’re the kind of person that absolutely loves writing out processes.

If you’re not, hiring someone to create this for you is extremely expensive. When I was looking to create one for my clinic I was getting quotes from attorneys for $5,000.

But you won’t have to do that. I’ve spent several months creating a comprehensive Policy & Procedure Manual specific to running a IV Therapy Academy Clinic.

Now I’m offering it to you for a fraction of the price you’d have to pay to have one created yourself.

Let me be clear, this is still a template. There are going to be places you have to add your specific clinic information and change a couple sections so they make sense for the clinic you’re running.

But I’ve done 95% of the work for you. It contains all of the Policies & Procedures I used in my very own clinic.

If you don’t want to spend countless hours and thousands of dollars to create your own then order your copy of the IV Therapy Academy P&P Manual now.
What's Inside...
Section 1 - Introduction
1.1 Policy and Procedure Manual
1.2 Developing Policies and Procedures
1.3 Policies and Procedures - Master Book Maintenance
1.4 Policies and Procedures - Writing and Implementation
1.5 Policies and Procedures - Revision and Retirement

Section 2 Forms - Employment and Hiring
Form 2.1 Credentialing Data Form
Form 2.2 Employee Confidentiality Agreement
Form 2.3 Employee Time-Off Request Form
Form 2.4 Professional Development Training Request
Form 2.5 Job Requisition Form

Section 2 - Employment and Hiring
2.1 Americans with Disabilities Act
2.2 Background Checks - General
2.3 Background Checks – Written Authorization
2.4 Base Compensation
2.5 Benefits Eligibility
2.6 Candidate Interviews
2.7 Code of Conduct
2.8 Confidentiality Agreement
2.9 Corrective Action
2.10 CPR Certification
2.11 Disciplinary Termination Policy
2.13 Employment Application
2.14 Employment Eligibility Verification
2.15 Equal Opportunity Employment
2.16 Establishing Salaries and Compensation
2.17 Medicare Provider Enrollment Process
2.18 Introductory Period for New Employees
2.19 Leave of Absence
2.20 Nature of Employment
2.21 Nepotism
2.22 No Distribution or Solicitation
2.24 Performance and Salary Reviews
2.25 Performance Bonuses
2.26 Performance Improvement: Individual Provider
2.27 Personnel Files
2.28 Personnel Records and Administration
2.29 Provider Credentialing
2.30 Provider Recredentialing
2.31 Recruitment
2.32 References and Supplemental Investigations
2.33 Suspension
2.34 Time-Keeping
2.35 Time Off, Holidays, Religious Observances, Jury Duty, Bereavement
2.37 Work Hours
2.38 Workplace Searches

Section 3 Forms - Workplace Conduct and Professionalism
Form 3.1 Disciplinary Action Checklist
Section 3 - Workplace Conduct and Professionalism
3.1a Attendance
3.1b Attendance – Disciplinary Action
3.1c Attendance – Emergencies and Inclement Weather
3.2 Drug and Alcohol Policy
3.3 Drug and Alcohol Testing
3.4 Grievance Policy
3.5 Internet Use
3.6 Professional Appearance
3.7 Smoking Policy
3.8 Telephone and Cell Phone Policy
3.9 Violence in the Workplace

Section 4 Forms - Clinic Operations
Form 4.1 Professional and Business Insurance Worksheet
Form 4.2 Office Security Checklist

Section 4 - Clinic Operations
4.1 Audits
4.2 Building Security
4.3 Business Associate Agreements
4.4 Business Associate Inventory
4.5 Clinic Credentialing
4.6 Clinic Hours and Emergency Service
4.7 Performance Improvement Plan
4.8 Computer Workstation Protocol
4.9 Display of License
4.10 Electronic Communications Protocol
4.11 Clinic Facility Design
4.12 Firearms and Other Weapons
4.13 Identity Theft Detection and Prevention
4.14 Internet Use Protocol
4.15 Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
4.16 Mobile Device Protocol

Section 5 Forms - Records and Data Management
Form 5.1 Electronic Security Incident Report
Form 5.2 HIPAA Security Policies and Procedures Checklist
Form 5.3 HIPAA Security Assessment
Form 5.4 Patient Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices
Form 5.5 Release of Medical Records Log
Form 5.6 Authorization for Use and/or Disclosure of Protected Health Information
Form 5.7 Authorization Checklist for Release of Medical Record Information
Section 5 - Records and Data Management
5.1 Access Rules
5.2 Data Backup
5.3 Data From Other Facilities or the Patient
5.4 Data Integrity: Access, Audit Trail, and Security
5.5 Documentation of Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures
5.6 HIPAA and HITECH Privacy Compliance
5.7 HIPAA and HITECH Security Compliance
5.8 Legal Medical Record Standards
5.9 Legibility and Display of Entries
5.10 Meaningful Use Audits
5.11 Notice Of Privacy Practices
5.12 Patient Request for Medical Record
5.13 Performing a Billing or Coding Audit
5.14 Purging and Destruction of Paper Records
5.15 Purging ePHI
5.16 Responding to Subpoenas or Court Orders
5.17 Retention of Medical Records
5.18 Retirement of Medical Records
5.19 Safeguarding PHI in Non-Electronic Form
5.20 Storage and Retrieval of Paper Medical Records

Section 6 Forms- Accounting, Claims, and Billing
Form 6.1 Example Payer Plan Profiles
Form 6.1 Payer Plan Profiles
Form 6.2 Payer Organization Profiles
Form 6.3 Report of Suspected Fraud and Abuse
Form 6.4 Petty Cash Reconciliation Form
Form 6.5 Office Patient Account Billing Policy for Treatment of Automobile Injuries
Form 6.6 Charge Capture Checklist
Form 6.7a Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) - English Version
Form 6.7b Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) - Spanish Version
Form 6.8 Insurance Benefits Authorization and Assignment
Form 6.9 Payment Options and Procedures At Check-Out
Form 6.10 Deposit Transactions
Form 6.11 Treatment Financial Agreement

Section 6 - Accounting, Claims, and Billing
6.1 Automobile Accident-Related Injury Claims
6.2 Fee Schedule Administration
6.3 Structuring a Compliance Plan
6.4 Conducting an Internal Audit
6.5 Internal Controls
6.6 Petty Cash
6.7 Managing Incoming Cash
6.8 Bill Paying
6.9 Charge Capture and Diagnosis Coding
6.10 Charge Capture, Encounter Forms, Data Entry
6.11 Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)
6.12 Payment Posting
6.13 Financial Agreement for Patient Responsibility
6.14 Claim Submission to Third-Party Payers
6.15 Charge Submission Turnaround Time
6.16 Charge Corrections
6.17 Open Claims
6.18 Denied Claims
6.19 Patient Communication on Insurance Balances
6.20 Refunds to Patients
6.21 Unapplied Payments
6.23 Patient Billing Inquiries
6.24 Waiver of Patient Responsibility
6.25 Financial Hardship
6.26 Returned Checks for Insufficient Funds
6.27 Payment Plans
6.28 Turning Accounts to Collections
6.29 Collection Agencies and Patient Disputes
6.30 Small Balances
6.31 Write-Offs
6.32 Bankruptcy

Section 7 Forms - Emergencies and Disaster Response
Form 7.1 Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Form 7.2 Pre-Event Planning Checklist
Form 7.3 Event Checklist
Form 7.4 Post-Event Checklist
Form 7.5 Practice Continuity and Disaster Preparedness Plan
Section 7 - Emergencies and Disaster Response
7.1 Emergency Equipment and Medication
7.2 Emergency Evacuation Plan
7.3 Fire Plan
7.4a Psychiatric Emergency Plan - General
7.4b Psychiatric Emergency Plan – Suicidal Crisis

Section 8 Forms - Patient Management
Form 8.1 Patient Daily Sign-In Sheet
Form 8.2 Authorization to Transfer Medical Records
Form 8.3 Financial Agreement (for services billed to insurance)
Form 8.4 General Medical Consent
Form 8.5 IV Therapy Patient Informed Consent
Form 8.6 New Patient Medical History Questionnaire
Form 8.7 Patient Dismissal Letter
Form 8.8 New Patient Registration Form
Form 8.9 Referral Tracking Form
Form 8.10 Patient Financial Policy

Section 8 - Patient Management
8.1 Communicating Test Results and In-Office Laboratory Reports
8.2 Marketing, Fundraising, Sale of PHI Under HIPAA
8.3 Marketing Policy
8.4 Patient Education
8.5 Patient Grievances
8.7 Patient Satisfaction
8.8 Prescription Ordering and Documentation
8.9 Prescription Refills
8.10 Procedure for Follow-Up
8.11 Procedure for Patient Scheduling
8.12 Steps to Terminate Patient Relationship
8.13 Tracking System for Diagnostic Reports
8.14 Video Monitoring Policy
8.15 Website and Social Media Marketing

Section 9 - IV Therapy
9.1 IV Therapy Protocol – Administration Procedures
9.1a IV Access – Pre-Insertion Care
9.1b IV Access - Peripheral Venous Cannula
9.1c IV Access – Midline Venous Catheters
9.1d IV Access - Central Venous Catheter
9.1e Central Port Access and Care
9.6 Management of Allergic and Anaphylactic Reactions
9.7 Patient Distress

Section 10 Forms - Workplace Safety
Form 10.1 Employee/Contractor Injury Report Form
Form 10.2 Accident Investigation Report Form for Supervisor
Form 10.3 Ten-Step Checklist for Exposure Control Plan Development
Form 10.4 Declination Statement of Hepatitis B Vaccine
Form 10.5 Sharps Injury Log
Form 10.6 OSHA Training Record and Checklist
Form 10.7 Acknowledgement of Receipt of OSHA Training
Form 10.8 Employee Acknowledgment of Exposure Control Plan

Section 10 - Workplace Safety
10.1 Sharps Disposal
10.2 Engineering and Work Practice Controls
10.3a OSHA Compliance Committee
10.3b OSHA Compliance Committee - Duties
10.4 Clinic Exposure Control Plan
10.5 Exposure Control Plan Administration
10.6 Exposure Determination
10.7 Universal Exposure Control Practices
10.8 Exposure Control Plan Review & Availability
10.9a Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-Up - Administration
10.9b Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-Up – Plan of Action When Exposure Incident
10.9c Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-Up – Plan of Action When an Exposure
Incident Occurs
10.10a Biohazardous Waste
Section 10 – Workplace Safety (cont.)
10.11a Infection Control Competency Training
10.11b Infection Control Competency Training – Bloodborne Pathogen Training
10.12 Injection Safety
10.13 Injury Prevention
10.14 Housekeeping
10.15 Recordkeeping
10.16 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Vaccination

Section 11 Forms - Drugs, Chemicals, and Controlled Substances
Form 11.1 Controlled Drug Count Log
Form 11.2 Controlled Drug Dispensing Record
Form 11.3 Controlled Drug Waste Record

Section 11 - Drugs, Chemicals, and Controlled Substances
11.1 Controlled Substances
11.2 Inventory Rotation
11.3 Recall Response Plan
11.4 Use of Single-Dose and Multiple-Dose Containers

Section 12 Forms - Equipment, Supplies, and Inventory
Form 12.1 Equipment Record Log
Form 12.2 Equipment Repair Record
Section 12 - Equipment, Supplies, and Inventory
12.1 Infusion Equipment Requirements
12.2 Supply Procurement, Receipt, and Inspection
12.3 Purchasing Policy and Procedure
12.4 Request for Proposal
12.5 Vendor Accounts
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